Monday, February 22, 2010

My SSB Experience at 1 AFSB, Dehradun

Hello Friends,
I just attended the 1AFSB at Dehradun from 15th-19th Feb, 2010 and got recommended for commissioning in the Indian Air Force. I have my medical Examination due on 15th march, 2010. My batch no. was F-AEPC/AESC/80518 and I was Chest no. 9.
I would like to share my 5 days experience with you. Starting from the beginning, I appeared in the EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) of the Indian Air Force for 77AEC/49SSC (Men) on 25th October, 2009 at Rajokri Air Force Station, New Delhi. The test was for engineering graduates for the branch AE(L) and AE(M) i.e. Aeronautical Engineer in Electronics and Mechanical respectively. The branches like Computer Science, IT, Electronics, Electrical fell under AE(L) while Mechanical and Production fell under AE(M).
Having qualified the EKT, which was a cake-walk with majority of the questions on 12th level Physics, I was to appear in AFSB at Dehradun
Travelling to Dehradun:
I started my journey from my hometown - Aligarh. Boarded on a bus for Roorkee at about 1430 hours and reached Roorkee at around 2230 hours. The journey was quite boring as I kept on counting the kilometres that I have to travel to reach my destination. Then, I changed the bus for Dehradun. The bus dropped me at the Dehradun Railway Station at around 0015 hours. I thought of going to the MCO (Movement Control Office) first (the place where I was supposed to report at 0700 hours on 15th feb). There, I found a guy sleeping on the chairs in the open sky with just a shawl and a bag as his pillow. On seeing me, he asked me, "Bus se ae ho kya (Have you come by bus)?". I replied, "Yes". "Then, you have to wait here with me. This is the fate of those coming by bus. We aint allowed to go to the waiting room as we dont have the train ticket. And there is no room available, I have searched everywhere", he said. I asked him to come with me and we'll look again for some room to stay. As we moved out of the railway station, there were the auto rickshaw wala's looking at us as their worthy customers. I asked them if we could get some cheap room there. The auto rickway wala took us to a cheap hotel which offered double bed room for just Rs 250/-. We found that place good enough to spend the night. But, I was feeling hungry and it was around 0100 hours. I asked the auto rickshaw wala if I could get something to eat. "Just omlette", he replied. I had omlette for that night and came back to sleep. We woke up at around 0500 hours in the morning, got fresh and reached the MCO at around 0645 hours.
DAY 1:
As we reached the MCO, we saw a crowd of candidates around an Air Force representative. He was marking the attendance of the present candidates. The candidates were then advised to take out the documents and writing material from their luggage and then keep the luggage in a truck. The candidates boarded a different bus. At around 0715 hours, three buses left for 1 AFSB at Clement Town. After reaching there, we were made to sit in a big Hall called the Brahmaputra Hall. We were then made to fill a couple of forms which was followed by the document check. Meanwhile, there were arrangements for tea and sandwiches for the candidates. After the document check, the candidates were given Chest numbers. I got Chest number 86. Then we had two intelligence tests of 30 mins duration each. Before that, we were given complete instructions about the test. We were even made to solve some examples. The questions were simple reasoning ones. After this, followed the picture perception test (PPT). We then moved to the Alaknanda Hall for this test. In this test, we were shown a very blurred picture and then made to write our story on it. we were also made to mark the position of the people, their sex, age and mood in a square box. then followed the Group Discussion on the picture in groups of 12 to come to a common story. The Group Discussion was presided by a panel of three and we were first asked to narrate our own story and then start the discussion. In my group, 8 candidates found the picture to be of a car surrounded by people. 3 found it to be a table and I found it to be a billiards table to be precise. As the picture seemed to be a car to the majority, I left my point and asked the people to assume it to be a car and continue building the story. Although we were never able to make a complete story, we were interrupted in between. Then we proceeded to the candidates' mess for lunch. Soon the results were declared and only 62 out of 152 could make it for the next rounds. the rest of them were consoled by our DSO, a young lady :) , and sent back with the travelling allowance. The rest of us were alloted new chest numbers and I got number 9 this time. We were the made to rush again to the Alaknanda Hall for Psychological Tests. The Psychological Tests were a real hectic one. We were given a booklet in which we had to record all our answers. First began the Picture Perception Test, in which 12 pictures were shown, each for 30 secs and then 3 mins were given to write story on it. Some of the pictures were blurred. The last picture was a blank slide and we had to write our own story on it. Then followed the Word Association Test, in which 60 words were displayed on the screen, each for 15 secs and we had to write a sentence that first came to our mind seeing that word. Immediately after it followed the Situation Reaction Test. Here, we were given with 60 situations to be answered in 30 mins. I could complete just 52. Some of the situations were repeated. I answered in the same manner each repeated situation. We were all exhausted by this time. The last portion was Self Appraisal Test wherein, we were made to write 5 paragraphs on what our parents, classmates, teachers and we ourselves think about ourselves and what qualities would we like to have in ourselves in future. At last, we were made to fill two PIQ (Personal Information Questions) foms. One copy would go to the Psychologist and other to the Interviewing Officer. The testing for day 1 was over. After it, we were given some instructions about how to behave in the AFSB campus and some general instructions. As we moved to the candidates' mess after the tests, our room allotments were displayed on the Notice Board. I then got the time to explore the facilities there. They had all the amenities like, TT room, Chess, carom board, basket ball, badminton, TV room, magazines and newspapers, laundry etc. I was accommodated in Room no. 1 along with 9 other people. All my roommates were cool and funny people. Chest No 1 was from Gorakhpur and he was the funniest of all 62. He kept entertaining us all the time. Chest No. 2 was final year student from Chandigarh who had a 99 percentile in MAT. Chest no. 3 was from Binaker pursuing M. Tech from Thapar. Chest No. 4 was final year student from NIT Hamirpur. Chest No. 5 was also from Chandigarh (I suppose). Chest no. 7 was a cool Jat from New Delhi. He always had so many experiences to share. Chest no. 8 was from PEC and Chest no. 10 was also from NIT Hamirpur. We had our dinner by 2030 hours and slept by 2230 hours.
The next day we woke up at around 0530 hours and had a bed tea at the same time. I got fresh and took bath and I was ready with my PT dress by 0645 hours. Then we had our breakfast. Some people had Group Taks (GTs) while some had interview today. Suddenly we saw a photographer taking shots of people. I too gave a couple of shots. At 0715 hours, the bell rung and we were to gather in 1 minute (as directed to us). Then, our DSO addressed us and we were made to move to Alaknanda Hall. Those who had their Interviews were made to wait in the Ante room. The first task of GT was a Group Discussion. We were given two topics and we had to discuss on any one. In the next GD, we were provided with just one topic to discuss on. I had my group starting from Chest no. 9 to Chest no. 16. The group discussion wasnt actually a decent one. Chest no 12 was constantly getting aggressive. I was able to maintain my calm in the GDs. The next task was Military Planning Task. Here, we were shown a model comprising of various villages, a train track, a guard's room, ncc camp, river, ruins, kuchha and pucca roads etc and given a problem in which we had to propose a solution to the problems in the given time. We were first made to write our own solution, then made to discuss to come to one conclusion. Here also, we were unable to come to a common solution. People were busy telling their own stories. When our GTO asked us to nominate a member of the group to conclude, we nominated Chest no 16 to conclude. The GTO then asked us individually to suggest any change in the concluded plan. Then, we were taken to the Group Testing Area for outdoor taks. Our first task was Progressive Group Task. Here, we were to cross four set of hurdles with some helping materials like a log, a plank and a rope. We were also required to take a fragile load to the other side of the hurdle. we were not allowed to touch the ground. Any distance greater that four feet could not be jumped and we were not supposed to act like monkeys or Tarzans.The GTO asked us how much time do we need to complete all four hurdles, "fifteen", we replied. "Are you sure, you'll be able to complete it in that much time. Think again and tell me", he said. We then asked him to give us 20 mins but he gave us 30. We started with the task. We were progressing with decent pace. The GTO was more interested in the strategy and plans that we carry out rather than actual completion of the tasks. He was giving us some hints from time to time. At the end of the fourth task, the GTO told us that its been 45 mins that we started the task. It was nice attempting the task. Chest no. 12 and myself were the lightest of all, so we took the charge in crossing any hurdle first and then we helped the rest of the members to cross the hurdles. The next task was Half Group Task which was very same as the Progressive Group Task with the only difference that here the group was split into two of 4 candidates each so that we have better chances of showing our skills. The two groups were made to attempt the same task with the other group waiting in the waiting room. The task was also same with the only difference that the load has grown bigger from a bucket to a drum. The Half Group Task was easy and we solved it in no time. Next came the Command Task, wherein, each candidate was to complete the task individually. He could take 2 or more helpers from the group. The rest of the members stayed in the waiting room. I was called as the helper by three people. I was the second last to attempt the Command Task. When I was called for the command task, the GTO took an informal interview. He asked questions like, where does your father work, what do you do, why do you want to join the IAF, what is Aligarh (my hometown) famous for etc. I told him that Aligarh was famous for AMU and locks. He said, "so you must be knowing to break open all types of locks". I smiled back and replied, "No sir, but I know what are the different types of locks, the lever locks and pin cylinder locks...". Then I explained him the two types of locks. Then he asked me whether everything was harmonious in Aligarh. I told him there have been cases of communal violence in Aligarh but the University remains untouched from it. Then began my command task. I found the task pretty typical. I took some time in finding the right way to solve it. In fact, he gave me certain clues for solving it. I wasnt able to get the solution even when the GTO was giving very obvious clues to me. The GTO finally said, "Did you have a back in Physics?" . I was demoralized and I was sure that I am not going to make through this AFSB. But then I recollected myself and decided to focus on other tasks. The last task of day two was individual obstacle race. Here, there were ten obstacles with different points like high jump, balancing, burma bridge, monkey crawl, climbing rope etc. I attempted all the obstacles and I completed 7 out of 10. There was a task wherein we were supposed to climb up a platform and then jump to catch a rope and come down by it. This was a deadly task that accounted for 90 % of the injuries. When you jump to catch the rope, you would slip and get your fingers injured. I too got my fingers injured and could not complete the task. The next immediate task was to climb up, touch the metal frame and climb down from the same rope. I was unable to do this task. I was in between the monkey crawl when time of 3 minutes was up. I then went to the dispensary to get first aid. After everybody had completed the individual obstacle race, we went to the candidates' mess to have lunch. 1430 hours to 1700 hours was book out time during which we can move out the premises of the board. I went to the nearby monastery with two friends and spent the entire time there as we were too tired to move to some distant place like sahastradhara or robbers' cave. We then came back, had our dinner and slept.
On day 3, we had to complete our remaining Group tasks. We had the lecturate, in which we were supposed to pick a card and speak on a topic out of four for three minutes. we were given three minutes to think on the topic. I got the topics like sex education in schools, women empowerment, future of India and censorship. I spoke on censorship for about 2.45 minutes. The last task was Final Group Task which was same as the Progressive Group Task but a bit difficult but we managed to crack it. We saw a tremendous improvement in our team skills from the previous day. Perhaps, this was the reason why Final Group Task was made. It was around 0830 hours and we were free for the day. Unfortunately, some of our group members were called for interviews although they didnt had the interviews scheduled for that day. I spent the day till 1430 hours playing, chatting with guys etc. After having lunch, I went to meet an old friend. I had lived at a place called Vikas Nagar near Dehradun for eight years.
Day 4
I had my interview today. I had already got my coat and formals ironed from the laundry. I got ready and was made to wait in the Ante room until it was 1130 hours when I was called for the interview. Wing Commander MB Venkatesh took my interview. He had the PIQ form in front of him. When I entered the room, he asked me about my stay. he then asked where did my father work. He then fired me with several questions at a go. The questions were like, tell me the name of your three friends, the qualities in them you like, one person you dont like and why dont you like him, one incident of yours with him etc. He asked me tell what household jobs I do and one job that my mother forces me to do but I dont like to do. I was unable to recall any such job ;). He asked me to name two transport aircrafts used by IAF. He then asked me about my hobbies and what qualities do I want in me. I told him I would like to engage myself in reading books and playing sports. After some questions, he again asked me if I read books. I denied. He then asked me if I read newspapers. I said, "yes, atleast the headlines". He then asked me to name last two defense ministers of India. the interview lasted for just 20 minutes. For many candidates, it lasted for about 45 minutes. I was totally hopeless and very much dissatisfied by my performance. I spent the rest of the day wandering and analyzing my performance in those four days.
Finally, it was the D-day, the conference day. All of us again went to the Alaknanda Hall and waited there for our turn to face all the conference members. It fast just a matter of two-three minutes for each of us. As I was Chest no. 9, I was among first ones to face the conference. As I enetered the room, I saw around 15 Air Force personnel dressed in their proper uniform sitting in U shape including our GTOs, psychologists and interviewing officers. The opening of the U shape had a chair where we were supposed to sit. I greeted Good Morning to the panel. The President, Air Commodore Pradhan, asked me how was the stay. He asked me if I went travelling Dehradun. I told him that I went to the monastery and to the market and I met an old friend. He then asked me if I had lived here before. He then asked what are the changes that I see in Dehradun. I told him Dehradun has become more advanced and bigger. He then asked me if my friends have changhed. I replied, "No, the friends are the same". he then asked me, "have you changed?". I smiled and said, "I dont Know, sir". he then asked me whether I would like to give any suggestions. I replied, "Its absolutely perfect, sir". He then wished me luck and my conference was over. I had to wait for around 3 more hours to wait for the result.
"Chest no 4, Chest no 5, Chest no 8, Chest no. 9......" and Hurray! I was recommended. A total of 15 candidates out of 62 screened in were recommended. We were then told to have lunch and come to the Alaknanda Hall for filling some forms. I never realised , it would take another five hours to fill those forms. We were the given our medical schedule with daily allowance form, identification form etc. At 1900 hours, we were finally free. We were even provided with packed puri and sabzi to take with us for the journey. The bus dropped us at ISBT and I took the bus to Aligarh, all exited and happy, eager to meet my family and share the happiness.
"Be natural, be positive and be a team player"
Dont ever try to fake in a SSB. The selection procedure is so exhaustive that they'll surely dig the real YOU out. Your personality as depicted by the psychologist, the GTO and what you tell about yourself to the interviewing officer should be consistent. Any mismatch may mean rejection. So, be what you are. If you have any weakness or negative point, dont hesitate to mention it. It would be better if you know your strengths and weaknesses before hand. Try talking to your friends and parents about what they think about you and mention it truly in the self appraisal test.

[For any specific query, I can be reached out at : abhishekvrshny(AT)]